Creativity | Culture | Innovation
The Background
Programme Focus
Corporate Re-Engineering, Economic Governance and Advancement Support.
Target Areas
Strategic Communications, Branding, Governance Advisory & Enterprise Development Support, MSMEs, NGOs, FBOs & Ancillary Organisations.
Programme Demography
Entrepreneurs – Business and Social Enterprises [Generation X – Z].
Needs We Address

Rénovætio Strategies

The Fundacion Exito Ltd./Gte. (“FundElg Africa®”) RÉNOVÆTIO STRATEGIES programme is a vision forward idea development, creative intelligence, strategic brand communication, political consulting and enterprise development support programme defined by the quality of its ideas and its mandate to interpret and give new life to the vision of young entrepreneurs, MSMEs, NGOs, FBOs and ancillary organisations. We work with a network of private sector Firms, NGOs and FBOs to meet the requirements of our beneficiaries across board. Our focus is institutional and transgenerational with a target on supporting economic development and trans-generational influence across all strata starting from Nigeria.
Our service team comprises lawyers, sociologists, project managers, designers, business strategists, digital marketing experts, web developers, researchers, marketing professionals, and communications specialists; who all work together as the Renovaetio Community Support Team (ReCST) to create tailor-made solutions for our beneficiaries and clients.
The primary strength of the ReCST is creative intelligence – a merger of quaint creativity integrated in organisational culture, steeped in an analytical ability driven by ingenious innovation – and the understanding that thinking outside the box is not an option; “there is no box”.
Thematic Areas
Strategic Communications (StratComm) Support
- Personal/Business Integration & Diagnostic Analysis.
- Brand Strategies design & New identity development.
- Development of organisational and business strategies and plans.
- Development of political strategies and citizen-oriented policy blueprints.
- Creation of new products & services and extending existing ones.
- Product Interpretation, Packaging & Promotion.
- Organisational vision and culture development & employee acculturation.
- Ideas generation for enterprise development.
Simply put… We interpret and give new life to you and your vision.
Political Consulting Support… Tailor-Made Advocacy And Political Strategy Development
We help political associations, NGOs, ancillary organisations and causes do big things and build movements by creating winning campaigns and putting their ideas into action for national development. Our sweet spot is helping clients engage everyday people in their work. We find people who care about the same things our clients do — whether they have common values or common goals — and connect with them in a meaningful way. Simply put… We help our clients and beneficiaries move people.
We understand that there are many facets to running successful political, product/business, enterprise solutions, social and idea campaigns, such as voter outreach, voter analytics (much like marketing analytics), public relations, marketing and media strategy, fundraising, and much more!
In our first five years (2014 – 2019), we partnered several clients and connected them with over 20 million supporters across a variety of sectors. Subsequently, we have worked with established organisations to make them more efficient — and helped innovators, start-ups and thought leaders build winning campaigns and organisations from the ground up.
We understand that winning campaigns begin with an optimal state, compelling story and creative strategy. Thinking through the political, finance and communications aspects of your campaign will help you to determine the best path to victory. We also understand that inevitability is not a successful strategy, and that in the end, there is no substitute for connecting with a message, and building a strong foundational momentum.
Governance Relations Consulting – Organizational Improvement, Peak Performance & Excellence
- Government and international affairs interests, liaison and relations.
- Policy Research & Analysis.
- Political Risk Analysis Advisory, Government Relations & Strategic Advisory.
- Personal & Corporate Reputation Management.
- Public policy and advocacy.
- Legislative tracking, evaluation & analysis.
- Corporate Transformation, Marketing & Sales.
- Change Management, Process Analysis & Technology Implementation.
- Strategy Development & Operational Improvement Services.
Church Rénovætio
Interpreted literally, means “Church Re-Birth”. It is the RÉNOVÆTIO STRATEGIES tailored Strategic Communication resource service (“StratComm”) for Christian Faith Based Organisations (FBOs), Ministers and the Churches they serve. It is a ministry media consulting support service that helps clients identify where they are today (Discovery), where they want to go to (Destination), how to get there as well as what they need to do differently by the deployment of critical and strategic communications apparatus, aligned strategies and an integrated MAP (Design); whilst contributing to National Economic Governance and Development in the process. We call this the 3D conceptualisation framework of:
- Discovery;
- Destination; and
- Design.
We believe that organisational culture is intentionally shaped as the right messages are consistently and clearly communicated to the church leaders, the stakeholders, the staff, the membership and the general public. Our goal is to help FBOs, Ministers and church leaders grow globally healthy and impactful churches by guiding them through focused vision, StratComm and action. This process will help them assess ministry health, create strategic plans, structure staff to the strategy, and follow through on the vision and action plans in order to help them make both Spiritual and National impact whilst they increase membership.
Our tools, processes and solutions are:
- Descriptive rather than Prescriptive: We work with you to discover and vividly describe what message God is calling you to disseminate rather than prescribe the message;
- Diagnostic rather than Driven: Together through key questions and deliberations we work with you to diagnose areas of communication needs and discover healthy solutions without driving you to a pre-determined outcome; and
- Identification rather than Determination: We work with you to identify your unique communication DNA rather than determine for you an off the shelf organisational communication MAP, structure and culture.