State Of The Church Report

A mirror is a very powerful concept. It makes us aware of self. To the extent therefore that a mirror creates self-awareness, it becomes a psychographic tool. But not all mirrors are shiny flat surfaces made from silica. Humans are mirrors too – four dimensional reflectors occupying space and time. Humans are technological interactive wonders. And so […]

UNILAG Produces First Graduate With 5.0 CGPA

Daniel Dada Ayodele, will be the star to watch out for during the 2014/2015 Convocation of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) next week. He made a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 5.00, which the Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof Rahamon Bello described as a perfect score record during a pre-convocation briefing Wednesday. Bello said the[…]

#StopAtRed … LivingALegacy

Why do we as Citizens enjoy disorder?Yet we wonder why over 50 years after Independence, we are still governed by the same sect of people over and over?Let us reign ourselves in …Can Nigerians be a bit more “Traffic Smart and Disciplined”?Can WE ALL LIVE by Example and LEAD as such?Can WE be good and fair and[…]

Ese Oruru, The Girl-Child And A Nation’s Shame – By Reuben Abati

Three different incidents in the last week cast, poignantly, in bold relief the plight of the girl-child in Nigeria. Thanks to The Punch newspaper which launched the #FreeEse, #JusticeforEse campaign and the civil society groups that took up the fight in a spirited manner. With the outrage and outcry that followed, within 72 hours, this same 14-year[…]

The Architect VTP (Volunteer Teachers Programme)

Introduction: On Saturday, January 16, 2016 Fundacion Exito Ltd./Gte. commenced a Volunteer Teachers Programme – TheArchitect VTP (Volunteer Teachers Programme) in support of and conjunction with the Holyhill Relief Foundation’s Education Support Services (HEdx). This is a commitment to fostering quality education for Nigerian youths, supporting school development by ensuring the efficiency of classroom delivery as well[…]